The Hierarchical Model Of Maslow's Theory Of Needs
Abraham Maslow was a professor of psychology. He was famous for his self-actualization theory of psychology. His theory of hierarchy of needs was proposed in his paper. A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943. His theory moves from bottom to top. He divided human needs into 5 categories that is at the bottom he has placed psychological needs that forms the base of all other needs. It includes the basic necessities that we require in our day-to-day life that is breathing, food, water, clothing, shelter etc. Without which one cannot survive on this planet.
As we go upwards then there is a 2nd category from the bottom of the hierarchy that is safety needs. It includes family, health, property, security etc. Once we achieve our physical needs we require safety of property, job security, family welfare etc. So, this second bottom category focuses on the safety needs.
After security needs the 3rd bottom category is of social needs. This is after you achieve your basic needs and your basic needs gets safety you need to love and be loved by everyone. At this stage you start having a sense of belongingness and acceptance as you start interacting with people. And gradually starts forming groups.
The 4th category is about esteem needs which is placed at the second category from the top of the hierarchy. After we achieve our basic necessities, we try to secure them and after that is done we start making social groups, start interacting with people and after all this is done we need to be respected by others and in turn respect them also. We need self- respect, self-confidence, independence and freedom at this part of stage.
The 5th category that is at the top of the hierarchy of self-actualization needs. After achieving all the 4 stages we need salvation, peace, exclusion from all the worldly pleasures.
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